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Online Computational Biology Textbook


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Template With Guidelines Template

  1. Introduction and Basic Molecular Biology
  2. Basic Tools
    1. Basic HTML
    2. Basic Python
    3. Basic R
    4. Basic Bioconductor
  3. Literature Retrieval and Mining
  4. Sequence Alignment
    1. Pairwise Sequence Alignment and Substitution Matrices S1 Pairwise Sequence Alignment
    2. Fast Sequence Similarity Search Algorithms S1 Substitution Matrices and Fast Sequence Similarity Search Algorithms
    3. Multiple Sequence Alignment And Protein Motifs S1
    4. Hidden Markov Model
    5. Genome Sequencing and Annotation S1 Genome Sequencing and Assembly
  5. Gene Expression
    1. Gene Expression Microarrays and Experiments
    2. Microarray Normalization and Gene Expression Index S1
    3. Differential Gene Expression and Hypothesis Testing S1 + S2
    4. Microarray Clustering Methods and Gene Ontology
    5. Microarray Dimension Reduction Techniques S1 + S2
    6. Microarray Classification Methods S1
  6. Transcriptional Regulation
    1. Transcription Regulation and Transcription Factor Motif Finding
    2. System biology of transcription regulation
    3. Expectation Maximization and Gibbs Sampling S1
    4. Phylogenetic Trees and Comparative Genomics S1 Comparative Genomics and Phylogenetic trees
    5. ChIP-on-chip and Genome Tiling Microarrays S1 + S2
    6. Epigenetic regulation S1 + S2
    7. Transcription Regluatory Network S1
  7. Post Transcriptional Regulation
    1. RNA Folding ()
    2. siRNA and miRNA ()
  8. Proteomics
    1. Protein Structure Prediction
    2. Molecular Dynamics
    3. Mass Spectrophotometry and Protein Interaction Networks S1
  9. Genome Variations
    1. SNPs, CNVs, and SNP chip S1 + S2 SNPs and Association Studies
    2. Association Studies and Haplotype Inference S1 + S2 Haplotype Inference and SNP Chip


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